Shipping & Return Policy
Order status & tracking
Soon after you place an order, we will send you a confirmation email. In case we dont hear back from you, we will by default accept the order and proceed to ship the item.
When your order is shipped out, we will update a tracking code via email so that you can stay up-to-date with your order status.
For FedEx, please use this link:
For DHL, please use this link:
For VN Post, please use this link:
For another shipping method, we will notify you in the email with a link to track the order with given tracking code.
The delivery time will be estimated according to the shipping method selected. We will update you with any changes that occur along the process.
Replace & Refund Policy
All products which are shipped out will be under our guarantee services. If you have any issue with the stem/surface of the product, please kindly contact us. We are always here to support!
Please also help us to note that our keycap is 100% handmade keycap. Hence, There might be some minor issues that we’d love to seek for your understanding.
Since we work hard to proceed your order faster, you can’t be refunded after 24 hours since payment date. For all the refunds, please understand that you will need to be responsible for the International transaction fee (if any).
For all orders that are already shipped but they have not arrived after 3 months (12 weeks) from the shipping date, we will need to file the complaint & check with the Post before any compensation. For any confirmed lost parcel, we will send out the new one immediately or we will send you store credits for your next order.
Shipping & delivery policy
We usually ship your packages with USPS (For US addresses) and Singpost (For non-US countries). It often takes a week or 2 to handle before shipping out.
Shipping fee included in invoices and paid by the buyer.
Please don’t provide us addresses under PO Boxes, military and restricted areas, all naval ports and Jurong Island. All of carriers on Earth refuse to ship to these areas.
If an item is lost/damaged during shipping, we’ll do everything we can to resolve the situation. In many cases, that means sending a new product to the buyer at no additional cost.
Taxes, Duties & Tariffs:
For all international orders, you will need to pay for all import taxes, duties and tariffs (if any) as per your country’s governing laws in order to clear customs.